Mayfield Education

Student Policies, Procedures & Forms

View the Mayfield policies and procedures here.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at any time. 

A Leader in Health Education Since 1963.


Appeals, Complaints and Grievances

Mayfield Education has an Appeals, Complaints and Grievance Policy & Procedure to ensure that students are able to raise any issues in a fair and equitable manner, undertstanding the process throughout.

Please contact us if you have any further questions about this policy or the procedures.

Appeals, Complaints and Grievance Policy & Procedure


Mayfield Education’s commitment to providing a safe, fair and respectful workplace/education environment and to describe processes and procedures for reporting and addressing grievances.

The purpose of this policy is to provide:

  • a framework by which student can submit an appeal, a complaint, escalate unresolved complaints or raise a formal grievance in relation to a decision of or advice provided by Mayfield Education.
  • a process and procedure to investigate and resolve appeals, complaints and grievances.

Mayfield Education ensures a transparent, fair and timely procedure for addressing students appeals, complaints and grievances in accordance with principles of natural justice, ensuring that all parties are treated equally and fairly regarding their individual circumstances.


This policy and procedure apply to all Mayfield students, staff and other relevant stakeholders regardless of the location, such as campus, clinical/workplace placement, the mode of study or their place of residence of training. All grievances by students shall be raised and dealt with in accordance with this policy and procedure.

This policy applies to all grievances, including but not limited to harassment, bullying and discrimination.

This policy covers issues arising from a student’s involvement with Mayfield, except where the matter:

  • relates to decisions based solely on alleged or unsubstantiated academic or general misconduct, academic judgement, unlawful discrimination, or
  • has arisen from a student’s failure to read and act upon a notice or correspondence sent to their email account or their postal address.   
  • Objective
  • The objective of this Policy and Procedure is to ensure that Mayfield Education has;
  • a) Suitable and appropriate complaints and appeals processes, procedures and protocols in place.
  • b) An appropriate policy framework to comply with the complaints and appeals (internal and external) process.
  • c) Personnel that understand and know their responsibilities and obligations.

Grievance is defined as:

  • An issue arising from a decision, act or omission which a student considers to be unjust, discriminatory or wrongful or at variance with Mayfield Education policy or procedure.
  • A complaint about the behaviour of another student, group of students, staff member or group of staff; and
  • Child abuse
  • Any other matter within the control of Mayfield Education that is not resolved through normal communication channels.

A grievance may relate to facilities, curriculum, administrative procedures or decisions; student progress and assessment; and handling/access to personal records.


The complainant is the staff member(s) or student(s) notifying an objection or grievance.

Procedural Fairness

Procedural fairness requires processes that provide fairness to all parties. It includes the right to be heard, the right to be treated without bias, the right to be informed of allegations being made and to be provided with the opportunity to respond to them, and the right to information regarding the status of the grievance.


The person(s) against whom a complaint is made.


An individual or group of individuals including students, staff, industry representatives, employers and other relevant participants.



Directors, managers, course coordinators, supervisors, trainers, and assessors (whoever titled) have a responsibility to identify, prevent and address problems in the workplace and in the education environment. These responsibilities include communication and implementation of this policy and related procedures.

General Process

Mayfield Education understands that despite all its efforts to provide satisfactory services to its students, staff and other relevant stakeholders, complaints may occasionally arise that require formal resolution.  Everyone has the opportunity to have any complaint or appeal resolved and resolutions reached that attempt to satisfy all parties.

There is no cost to the complaint unless the referral is made to a third party.

Mayfield Education’s internal complaints process:

  • Includes a process for the student to lodge a formal complaint or appeal if a matter cannot be resolved informally
  • Ensures that RTO will respond to any complaint/appeal the student makes regarding their dealings with RTO, their education agents or any related party the provider has an arrangement with to deliver the course or related services.
  • Commences assessment of the complaint/appeal within 10 working days of lodgment in accordance with the RTO’s complaints handling policy and process and finalize the outcome as soon as practicable.
  • Ensures the student is given an opportunity to formally present their case at minimal or no cost and be accompanied and assisted by a support person of their choice at any relevant meetings.
  • Conducts the assessment of the complaint or appeal in a professional, fair and transparent manner.
  • Ensures the student is given a written statement of the outcome of the appeal, including detailed reasons for the outcome.
  • Keeps a written record of the complaint/appeal, including a statement of the outcome and reasons for the outcome.

Mayfield Education will approach all complaints and appeals with an open view and attempt to resolve issues through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint cannot be resolved through discussion and mediation, RTO acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to mediate between the parties.

Mayfield Education understands individuals’ concerns regarding confidentiality and is committed to fair treatment respecting and upholding individuals’ rights to privacy protection under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained in The Privacy Act amended 1988 (Cth). RTO respects the privacy rights of all individuals in the workplace. RTO has implemented a program to ensure compliance with the APPs.

Nature of complaints

Complaints and appeals may be made in relation to any of the following:

  • Mayfield Education as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), its trainers, assessors or other staff.
  • Assessment/Recognition of Prior Learning outcome.
  • Fees and refunds/re-crediting; or
  • A student

Complaints may be made in relation to any of Mayfield Education services and activities such as:

  • The application and enrolment process.
  • Marketing information.
  • The quality of training and assessment provided.
  • Training and assessment matters, including student progress, student support and assessment requirements.
  • The way someone has been treated; or
  • The actions of another student.
    • Personal safety
    • Customer service and administration
    • Student amenities and facilities
    • Discrimination
    • Sexual harassment
    • Other issues that may arise.

    Where a stakeholder is not satisfied with Mayfield Education’s decision regarding their complaint, they may appeal against that decision.

Appeals should be made to request that a decision made by Mayfield Education is reviewed. Decisions may have been about:

  • Course admissions.
  • Refund assessments.
  • Response to a complaint.
  • Assessment outcomes / results; or
  • Other general decisions made by Mayfield Education.

Mayfield investigates anonymous complaints at the discretion of the Course Coordinator or delegate, considering:

  1. The nature and seriousness of the complaint.
  2. Whether there is enough information for an investigation to be conducted; and
  3. Whether there is a statutory requirement for investigation.

Issues related to the delivery, teaching or assessment of a course are education matters. Where possible it should be resolved at the local level with emphasis on conciliation and informality. In the first instance the complaint should be directed to the relevant unit trainer and assessor. If the matter is not resolved than it can be escalate to the course coordinator and only then to the Director of Education.

Mayfield Education is committed to developing a procedurally fair complaints and appeals process that is carried out free from bias, following the principles of natural justice. Through this policy and procedure, RTO ensures that complaints and appeals:

  • Are responded to in a consistent and transparent manner.
  • Are responded to promptly, objectively, with sensitivity and confidentiality.
  • Can be made at no cost to the individual.
  • Are used as an opportunity to identify potential causes of the complaint or appeal and to take action to prevent the issue from recurring as well as identify any areas for improvement.
  • Are viewed as an opportunity to improve the organisation and how it works.
  • Are responded to from a view that is client-focused and helps RTO to prevent these events from recurring.
  • Ensure that complaints and appeals are resolved promptly, objectively, with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality.
  • Are treated confidentially and that the views of each complainant, appellant and respondent are respected and any party to complaint or appeal is not discriminated against nor victimised.
  • Are dealt with in a fair, equitable and consistent manner.

Mayfield Education will ensure that all stakeholders especially students are fully informed of their right to lodge a complaint or appeal.

The complainant will also be informed that the person(s) responsible for investigating the complaint will not be the subject of the complaint or appeal.


Communication and approach

  1. Mayfield Education recognises that effective communication is of paramount importance when attempting to resolve difficulties experienced by students and is committed to a culture of openness, fairness and continuous improvement.
  2. Mayfield Education acknowledges the need to provide appropriate and accessible ways for students to have their complaints heard. Where reasonable adjustments to the method of lodging or considering a complaint are needed to enable a student to equitably access this process, Mayfield will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that such adjustments are made.
  3. All parties to a complaint or grievance must respect privacy and confidentiality, except where the release of information is required by law.
  4. Individual or groups of students are encouraged to raise issues and concerns directly with the appropriate education staff member. If the issue(s) can’t be resolved, it is referred to a higher authority within Mayfield Education.
  5. The informal resolution of grievance is preferred; however, where this process is not successful then an aggrieved student may initiate formal procedures as outlined in this policy and procedure.
  6. All parties directly involved in a grievance must have access to all information relevant to the complaint.
  7. All parties to a grievance have the right to formally present their case and if desired can be accompanied by a third-party support person at each stage of this procedure.
  8. There is no cost for utilising this grievance process.
  9. The student will receive a full explanation in writing for any decisions and actions taken as part of the formal grievance process by the CEO or Board Chair (if the grievance relates to the CEO).
  10. Where this procedure results in a decision that supports the student, Mayfield Education will implement the decision and/or any corrective action required and advise the student of the outcome.

Natural justice

  1. Mayfield Education gives students who raise complaints or grievances the opportunity to raise concerns through email or by calling 03 9882 7644.
  2. Mayfield Education takes all appropriate measures to ensure students do not suffer any victimisation or discrimination as a result of raising complaints or grievances in good faith.
  3. Where the grievance relates to ongoing student enrolment, the enrolment will be maintained until the grievance is resolved. An enrolment may be suspended if there are concerns such as safety, security, or outstanding fees. The reason/s for suspending an enrolment will be clearly documented and provided to the complainant in writing.
  4. Mayfield Education staff with a role in resolving complaints and grievances will reach conclusions based on a fair hearing of each point of view.
  5. Mayfield Education keeps all parties to a complaint or grievance informed of the progress of the matter and gives all parties reasonable opportunity to respond to outcomes.
  6. Complainants should not instigate grievances that are frivolous or malicious.

Confidentiality and privacy

Mayfield Education advises all parties to a complaint or grievance that they are subject to the Mayfield Education Privacy Policy. Any person who carries out any function under this policy or submits or responds to a complaint or grievance must treat the matter in the strictest confidence, except where necessary for the discharge of that person’s responsibilities under to this policy or as otherwise required or permitted by law. All records and information relating to a grievance will be handled in accordance with relevant government legislation.

No disadvantage

Grievances will be treated seriously, expeditiously, sensitively, and as close as possible to their source having due regard for procedural fairness, maintaining confidentiality, privacy and the potential for victimisation.

A student making a complaint or grievance is not to be disadvantaged simply by virtue of having made the complaint, unless the complaint involves unreasonable complainant conduct. In particular:

  1. The complainant must not be hindered or prevented from continuing to use Mayfield facilities and attend lectures, classes, laboratories and tutorials and to submit assessment as required, simply by virtue of having made the complaint.
  2. A student who is also:
  • The subject of an action by Mayfield Education under a relevant Regulation or Policy.
  • Subject to exclusion for reasons of safety.
  • Subject to a cancellation of enrolment due to unpaid fees, where fees are unrelated to the substance of the complaint; or
  • The subject of any relevant court order or action precluding them from attending a campus, may be excluded or prevented from attending classes on that basis, unrelated to their status as a complainant.


Complaints must be made within 30 calendar days of the incident or reason for the complaint. Appeals must be made within 30 calendar days of the original decision being made. Any complaint or appeal lodged outside of the stated period will not be accepted by Mayfield Education.

Mayfield may be unable to investigate an issue where, due to the length of time elapsed since the event, decision or action, there is insufficient information available to enable investigation of the complaint or grievance. Unlawful activities (including assault) will be reported to the Police.

The complainant/appellant will be constantly updated throughout the processing period of a complaint/appeal.

The complainant or appellant is informed in writing via email if it requires more than 60 days to process and finalise the complaint or appeal. Email would state the reason why it would require more than 60 days to finalize the process.



Prior to raising a complaint

  • Students wishing to raise a complaint or grievance are encouraged to seek advice from an independent person knowledgeable about the process and aware of potential outcomes, such as:
    • A trainer and assessor.
    • A course coordinator.
    • An academic staff member who is not involved in the matter in question; or
    • A staff member from a student service.

The student and the independent person will work together to:

  • Consider whether the complaint is reasonable and the best course of action in the circumstances.
  • Clarify the details of the matter, including the events that occurred, the basis for the complaint and the resolution sought; and
  • Where appropriate, identify the most appropriate process under which the matter may be pursued.

The student may, based on this discussion:

  • Take no further action.
  • Where the matter concerns the actions or decisions of another person, make an informal approach to the person concerned (the respondent); or
  • Proceed directly to the complaint or grievance process.
  • If a student is uncomfortable with speaking directly to the person involved or the informal process does not resolve the issue to the student’s satisfaction, the formal process should be followed as described below.

Formal Complaints

Any student, potential student, employee or third party may submit a formal complaint to Mayfield Education. Complainants have the right to access advice and support from independent external agencies/persons at any point in the complaint and appeals process. Use of external services will be at the complainant’s cost unless authorised by the CEO.

Any person wishing to submit a formal complaint can do so by completing the Complaints and Appeals Form and stating their case, providing as many details as possible. This form can be obtained by contacting the administration staff or through the Mayfield Education’s website.

Once a formal complaint is received it will be entered into the Complaints and Appeals Register and written acknowledgment will be sent to the complainant which is monitored by the Director Education regularly. The information to be contained and updated within the register is as follows:

  • The name of the complainant
  • Date of the complaint
  • Type of complaint
  • Name of investigating officer/business unit assigned to deal with the complaint
  • Response from those involved in the allegations
  • Analysis of the matter
  • Outcome of complaint
  • Action recommended addressing systemic issues (if any)
  • Time taken to investigate the complaint
  • Complainant’s satisfaction with the outcome.

A Complainant may be assisted or accompanied by a support person at any face-to-face meeting regardless of the nature of the issue or complaint throughout the process.

The Student Services will then refer the matter to the appropriate staff members or CEO/Director Education to resolve or decide on the complaint within 15 working days and keep the complainant informed of any decisions or outcomes concluded, or processes in place to deal with the complaint.

Once a decision has been reached, Student Services informs all parties involved in writing. Where the complaint process is not found in favour of the complainant, the complainant will have 10 working days for the right to appeal. To appeal a decision, Mayfield Education must receive, in writing, the grounds of the appeal within 10 days of the date of the notice of the decision.

The Director Education ensures that the RTO will act immediately on any complaint where the complaints process results in a decision that supports the student. RTO will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventive action that is required and advise the student of the outcome.

Copies of all documentation, outcomes and further action required will be placed on the Complaints and Appeals Register by the Director Education or representative.


All stakeholders have the right to appeal decisions made by Mayfield Education where reasonable grounds can be established.

A member of the Board of Directors, Mayfield Education will convene the Grievance Appeals Committee within 10 days of receiving the written request.

The membership of the Grievance Committee will be determined by the Board of Directors, Mayfield Education; there will be a minimum of two and a maximum of four members of the Appeals Committee.

The Grievance Appeals Committee will observe the broad principles of natural justice and will make clear to all parties the processes for determining the matter.

The appellant appealing will be allowed to present a case orally or in writing; the appellant may be accompanied by a person of their choice to the Appeals Committee meeting(s).

The Appeals Committee will reach a decision based on consensus or by a decision on a majority vote; should there be no majority the Chair will have a casting vote.

The decision will be communicated to all parties directly involved in the grievance in a written report outlining the reasons for the decision within 10 business days. The report will advise of the right to access the external appeals process if a party is not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal.

The areas in which an appeal against a decision made by RTO may include:

  • Any other conclusion/decision that is made after a complaint has been dealt with RTO in the first instance as described in the complaints process above. This is referred to as a general appeal.

Assessment decisions as set out below (assessment appeals)


Assessment Appeals

Where a student wishes to appeal an assessment, they are required to notify their course coordinator at first instance. Where appropriate the Course Coordinator with discuss this with the relevant trainer and assessor to re-assess the student to ensure a fair and equitable decision is gained. The Trainer shall complete a written report regarding the re- assessment outlining the reasons why assessment was – or was not – granted.

If this is still not to the student’s satisfaction, the student may formally lodge an appeal within 10 working days. They will lodge this with the Director Education, or a nominee appointed by the Director Education. The appeal will be entered in the Complaints and Appeals Register.

The Director Education will seek details from the Course Coordinator and the assessor involved and any other relevant parties. A decision will be made regarding the appeal either indicating the assessment decision stands or details of a possible re-assessment by a third party. The third party will be another Trainer/Assessor appointed by the Director Education.

The student will be notified in writing of the outcome with reasons for the decision, and the Complaints and Appeals Register will be updated. The student will also be provided the option of activating the external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome. The student is required to notify the Mayfield Education CEO if they wish to proceed with the external appeals process.

External Review Processes

An appellant who is not satisfied with the Student Grievance Appeal Committee’s decision may write to the Board Chair, Mayfield Education giving reasons why they are not satisfied and request an external appeal. If the Board Chair is satisfied that the reasons given by the student warrant further hearing of the grievance, the Board Chair (through the CE) must arrange for an independent external person (or organisation) to hear the appeal. The VIC Dispute Settlement Centre or the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators (IAMA) may be used to consider external appeals. The person or organisation appointed to consider the appeal will be independent and external to Mayfield Education.

The person or organisation responsible for the external review will report to the Board Chair or CEO (as nominated), Mayfield Education on the outcome of the external review including any recommendations within 20 business days of the completion of the review.

The Board Chair or CEO; once the report has been received will provide a written report to the complainant within ten business days of the recommended actions to resolve the grievance.

An initial application fee to be paid by the complainant would be approximately $200 in requesting an external review; Mayfield Education will meet any further reasonable costs associated with the conduct of an external appeal as described.

Further Information and Version

If a student is still dissatisfied with the external appeal outcome, they may wish to seek advice or make a complaint about Mayfield Education to ASQA or TEQSA directly.

If, after Mayfield Education internal complaints and appeals processes have been completed, you still believe that Mayfield Education is breaching or has breached its legal requirements, you can submit a complaint to ASQA if you are a VET student by completing “The Complaints Form” available at


If you are a higher education student you can submit your concern using TEQSA online form available at

Record Keeping

A written record of all grievances handled under this procedure and their outcomes shall be maintained for a period of at least five years to allow all parties to the grievance appropriate access to these records, upon request to the CEO or Director of Education. These records will be maintained on Mayfield Educations master documents (Central Registry).

Mayfield Education Staff may also use this complaints and appeals process. Mayfield Education will use all complaints as an opportunity for continuous improvement.

This policy and procedure is compliant with VQF and National Code Standards in providing a process for complaints and appeals to be heard and actioned where necessary.

Procedure accessibility

This Grievance Policy and Procedure will be made available to students and prospective student through publication in the Student Information Handbook and on the Mayfield Education website (


Standards for Registered Training Organizations: Standard 6

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Tertiary Education Quality and Standard Agency (TEQSA) Act2011 (Cth)- Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Version Number


Description of changes

Date of next review

Version 6

May 2023

1.     Added more information to the nature of the complaint.

2.     Added assessment appeals.

3.     Added further information section.

4.     Added relevant standards

May 2025

Version 7

Feb 2024

1.     Added more information to the nature of the complaint.

2.     Added Record Keeping requirements

3.     Added additional relevant standards

4.     Added further information section.

Feb 2025




Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competence (RCC)

  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) means that knowledge and skills acquired through work or life experiences may be recognised as equivalent to some specified course outcomes.
  • RPL/RCC can also be granted for previous formal and informal education that is not recognised under the Credit Transfer policy.
  • You should consider if you would like to apply for RPL/RCC during the enrolment process so the full benefit of applying can be obtained.
  • Contact the Course Coordinator before or during the enrolment process if you have any questions. You will need to read the policy thoroughly to assist you in your application. The RPL/RCC process requires a significant commitment on the part of the student to provide sufficient and appropriate evidence as outlined in the policy.
  • Application fee for ‘recognition of prior learning (RPL) and recognition of current competence (RCC)’ is $250. Assessment fee per/unit is $500. For 6 or more units, the fee is capped at $4000.
What the Application Fee Covers
  • Review of support documents provided by the applicant.
  • Processing the course application and administration costs.
  • Comparison of criteria from prior study to the requirements of the units being applied for.
  • Costs associated with the assessment panel reviewing the evidence submitted with your application.
  • Follow up required with persons who can substantiate your competence in the units applied.
  • An interview will be organised so you can verbally supplement the evidence you have provided, and clarification can be obtained about how your knowledge and skills match the course requirements.
  • No course refunds apply for units granted through RPL/RCC. The benefit of undergoing the RPL/RCC process is that students may not need to attend classes for units granted or undertake the assessment tasks.
  • The successful outcome of the RPL/RCC is subject to meeting the requirements of the units including meeting the requirement of any gap in training identified during the assessment.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competence Policy


This policy aims to maximise the recognition of a student’s skills and knowledge to enable their learning to be always recognised and counted towards a qualification whilst maintaining the integrity and standards of the defined learning outcomes of the specific course of study.

This policy recognises that learning can take place through formal studies at accredited institutions, and through other activities such as employer-based training and development, and relevant life experience.

This policy is designed to ensure that students gain credit for the same of similar units of competence they have previously successfully completed usually at the same AQF level.

By removing the need for duplication of learning CT and RPL/RCC encourages an individual to continue upgrading their skills and knowledge through structured education.


All students enrolling in Vocational Education and Training courses and Mayfield Education Certificate Courses.


Credit Transfer

If a student has completed units of competence that are the same, or deemed equivalent, either in a different course, or at another registered education provider, locally or nationally, they may be eligible for a credit transfer.  If credit transfer is granted the person is exempted from having to study that unit in the course.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competence (RCC):

RPL/RCC can be granted for previous formal and informal education that is not recognised under the Credit Transfer policy.  RPL and RCC are assessed concurrently using evidence supplied by the student.  If RPL/RCC is granted the person is exempted from having to study that unit in the course.

  • Recognition of Prior Learning: Recognises the prior knowledge and experience gained by a student in life and work relating to the unit of study for which recognition is applied. 
  • Recognition of Current Competence: Prior knowledge and experience gained by a student in life and work must be assessed as still current and meet the competency requirements of the specified competency unit.


A student is exempted from specified units of a course if they are granted CT or RPL/RCC.  This means they do not have to attend classes, clinical placements, or other components of that unit including assessments.

Mutual recognition:

A feature of the Australian Quality Training Framework which ensures training package endorsed Qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) will be accepted and recognised by all other RTOs.


The process of identifying, gathering and interpreting evidence about a students’ competence against performance criteria.

Unit of Competence:

A Unit of Competence describes a specific work activity and how the activity should be performed in a competent manner. It describes the conditions under which the activity may be performed, the equipment that may be used and what evidence is required to determine when it is performed appropriately to the level required.  It provides the basis for making assessment judgements. The components of a Unit of Competency including the Elements, Performance Criteria, Range of Variables and Evidence Guide, provide the basis for making the assessment judgement.  The terms unit of study, module, competency and subject are used interchangeably. (These definitions are consistent with the terminology as used by the Department of Education, Science and Training).


Director Of Education:

Oversees the CT and RPL/RCC process and approves all CT and RPL/RCC. 

Course Coordinators:

Receives processes and assesses all RPL and CT applications.  The Course Coordinator is responsible for providing program specific information on the RPL requirements to the student. The Course Coordinator submits their recommendation to Director of Education for final approval.

Student Services:

Accepts all applications and processes associated fees.


CThe CT and RPL/RCC process consists of:

  • providing information and documentation to the student.
  • receiving an application from the student.
  • interpreting the evidence and making a judgement against the Performance Criteria.
  • obtaining approval from the Director of Education.
  • recording the outcome; and,
  • reporting back to the student.

Credit Transfer

All CT applications are to be lodged formally in writing using the CT Application Form and the appropriate fee paid.  All applications for Credit Transfer must be accompanied by verified documentary evidence.

Students should be referred to the Student Guide to ‘CT, RPL/RCC’.


Student Application Form for credit transfer received. Student Services raises credit transfer invoice and sends to student.  Student Application Form forwarded to Course Coordinator (CC).

CC checks unit codes and records nominal hours for the credit transfer unit(s) and forwards all documentation to Director of Education.

Director of Education approves credit transfer unit(s) and forwards all documentation to Student Services.

Student Services calculates amounts for credit transfer units. Student Services completes credit transfer refund request form with calculations and forwards this together with all documentation to Secretarial Services.

Student Administrator prepares letter to student with credit transfer approval and forwards the letter and all documentation to Director of Education.

Director of Education signs credit transfer refund request form and letter and forwards all documentation to Secretarial Services.

If Application Received:

Student Administrator makes PDF of signed letter and forwards credit transfer refund request form and signed student letter (by email) to Student Services Officer and Compliance Officer; Student Administrator forwards the signed letter and refund request form to Assistant Accountant.  Student Administrator files all other documentation and PDF letter in Student File.

Assistant Accountant raises the cheque and mails to student with the signed letter.

Assistant Accountant forwards PDF of cheque to Student Services.

If Student has Already Commenced the Course (and has a Training Plan)

Student Administrator forwards the PDF of the signed student letter (by email) to the relevant Course Coordinator (for revision of the Training Plan), and the Compliance Officer (adjustment to claiming).

If Application Not Yet Received:

Student Administrator makes PDF of signed letter and forwards letter, credit transfer refund request form and other documentation to Student Services Officer and PDF of signed letter to Compliance Officer.

Student Administrator mails signed letter to student.

When Application received Student Services processes credit note against full course cost.

All student documentation forwarded to Student Administrator for file creation.

Recognition of Prior Learning/Recognition of Current Competency

All RPL/RCC applications are to be lodged formally in writing using the RPL Application Form and the appropriate fee paid.

Course Coordinators will ensure students are provided with advice about the RPL/RCC assessment process.  Students should be provided with sufficient information to enable them to prepare their evidence to the standard required for the RPL assessment process.  The Mayfield Education Student Guide to CT, RPL/RCC should be issued to the student.

As with all assessment, RPL assessment should be undertaken by a Course Coordinator with expertise in the subject, content or skills area, as well as knowledge of, and expertise in, RPL policies and procedures.  The Director of Education will assist Course Coordinators in the process.

Assessment methods should provide for a range of ways for students to demonstrate that they have met the required outcomes and accommodate the literacy levels, cultural background and educational background of the student.

The Course Coordinator will discuss the RPL/RCC application with the Director of Education.  Once the Director of Education has approved the outcome a letter confirming the decision is sent to the student within 5 working days of the decision.

A copy of the RPL/RCC documentation and its outcome are to be kept in the student’s file.

Appeals Procedure

Where a student disagrees with the outcome of any application for CT or RPL/RCC, the student should first try to resolve the matter informally with the Course Coordinator and if not satisfied then the Director of Education.  Where the outcome remains unresolved a student may appeal the CT or RPL/RCC decision by outlining in writing to the Chief Executive Officer why they believe the original decision was inappropriate and include any additional evidence to support why the case that has not been dealt with appropriately.

Appeals must be received no later than 5 working days from notification of the outcome of the initial CT or RPL/RCC application.  The Chief Executive Officer will assemble a panel to review the application.  Students may be accompanied and assisted by a support person (who is not a legal practitioner) at any relevant meetings during the formal review process.  The student will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal within 15 working days of its lodgement.  The notification will contain the reasons for the outcome and advise the student that they have the right of appeal to the Victorian Ombudsman if they are dissatisfied with the outcome.

The student’s enrolment will be maintained throughout any internal or any external appeals process to the Ombudsman (if known), provided the student fulfils all conditions for a valid enrolment, including payment of all fees, and compliance with all applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of Mayfield Education.

CT and RPL/RCC will be subject to the same quality assurance processes used to ensure the standard and integrity of assessment processes within Mayfield Education and be validated and monitored in the same way other assessment processes are validated and monitored.


All prospective students must be informed in either print or electronic form (such as through the Mayfield Education Handbook and website) of the opportunity to apply for CT and RPL/RCC.  Information should be written in clear, accessible language and include the process, timelines, appeal mechanisms and who to contact for more information.

Information about the process and the appeal mechanisms should be made available before and during the student enrolment phase and be provided at the commencement of the RPL process. 

Students are encouraged to access the student guide and the application forms for RPL/RCC and CT before they enrol.  Granting of RPL and CT can be processed and recorded when a student has enrolled in the unit(s) of study for a qualification, or at the time a student is enrolling in a qualification.

Processes should be timely, and, where possible, decisions made prior to the commencement of classes, or study of the unit for which the RPL is being requested.

Both CT and RPL/RCC can be used to obtain exemption in units of a course. While it is possible for an individual to gain RPL for an entire program, Mayfield prefers students to have 25% of their course assessment to be undertaken at Mayfield to be granted an award issued by Mayfield.  This means a student may receive exemptions for up to 75% of a course.

In accordance with the Australian Quality Training Framework: Standards for Registered Training Organisations, Mayfield Education recognises AQF Qualifications and Statements of Attainments issued by other RTOs.  In mutually recognising an AQF qualification by another RTO, the provision for Credit Transfer automatically applies.  To obtain Credit Transfer under mutual recognition, the unit of study that has previously been successfully completed must be identical or deemed to be equivalent to the one for which credit transfer is claimed.

CT and RPL/RCC are awarded for a total unit of study (partial RPL of units of study are awarded in the Diploma of Nursing upgrade).

CT and RPL/RCC assessment should be based on evidence, and should be equitable, culturally inclusive, fair, flexible, valid and reliable.  Processes should be fair, transparent, accountable and subject to appeal.

RPL/RCC can be granted for previous formal learning that is not recognised under the Credit Transfer policy. Credit may be awarded based on a combination of CT plus RPL assessment for additional non-formal or informal learning.

RPL/RCC can be granted to a student who has demonstrated evidence of prior knowledge and experience in life and work relating to the unit of study for which recognition is applied.  Students will need to gather evidence to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the required competency.  Applicants will usually be required to attend an interview in support of their application.

The evidence used to assess RPL/RCC applications may take several forms, for example:

  • participation in the same or modified versions of the assessment the student would be required to complete as part of the full course.
  • assessment based on a portfolio of evidence.
  • direct observation of demonstration of skill or competence.
  • reflective papers, journals or portfolios that relate past learning to the learning or competency outcomes of the current course or qualification.
  • provision of examples of the student’s work drawn from the workplace, social, community or other setting in which the student applies their learning, skill or competence.
  • testimonials of learning, skill or competence; and
  • combinations of any of the above.

Units achieved through RPL/RCC must have the same standing as units achieved through the formal education process and must be assessed using the same quality standards.


Credit Transfer

  • If a student has completed modules or units of competence that are the same, or deemed equivalent, either in a different course, or at another Registered Training Organisation (RTO), they will be eligible for a Credit Transfer. If Credit Transfer is granted the person is exempt from having to study that unit in the course.
  • If you would like to know more about Credit Transfer speak to the relevant Course Coordinator during the information session. You will be required to complete a Credit Transfer application form with the application fee of $150. Credit Transfer applications will only be accepted until the first week of orientation.
  • Students obtaining a credit transfer are eligible to receive reduction in fee paid for the units granted (this is not applicable for the free tuition courses).
Health Services Assistance


Advanced Standing – Higher Education

  • Applicants to postgraduate courses at Mayfield Education may request that their prior study be assessed for Advanced Standing towards a postgraduate award. A student is exempt from specified units of a course if they are granted Advanced Standing. This means they do not have to attend classes, clinicals, or other components of that unit including assessments.
  • You should consider if you would like to apply for the recognition of Advanced Standing for Higher Education during the enrolment process so the full benefit of applying can be obtained.
  • Contact the Course Coordinator two weeks prior to the enrolment process if you have any questions. You will need to read the policy and procedure thoroughly to assist you in your application. The of Advanced Standing Higher Education application process requires a significant commitment from the student to provide sufficient and appropriate evidence to support a successful application outcome.
  • Application fee for ‘Advanced Standing Higher Education’ is $250. Assessment fee per/unit is $500.
What the Application Fee Covers
  • Review of support documents provided by the applicant.
  • Processing of the course application and administration costs
  • Comparison of objectives and learning outcomes from prior study to requirements of the units applied for
  • Costs associated with the assessment panel reviewing the evidence submitted with your application.
  • Follow up required with persons for whom can substantiate your competence in the units applied.
  • An interview will be organised so you can verbally supplement the evidence you have provided, and clarification can be obtained about how your knowledge and skills match the unit requirements.
  • No course refunds apply for units granted through the Advanced Standing Higher Education. The benefit of undergoing the of Advanced Standing Higher Education process is that students may not need to attend classes for units granted or undertake the assessment tasks.
  • The successful outcome of the of Advanced Standing Higher Education is subject to meeting the requirements of the units including meeting the requirement of any gap training identified during the assessment process.

Advanced Standing Postgraduate Study Policy


Applicants to postgraduate courses at Mayfield Education may request that their prior study be assessed for Advanced Standing towards a postgraduate award. 

This policy is designed to ensure that students gain credit exemption for the same or similar units of competence they have previously successfully completed usually at the same AQF level.


All students enrolling in postgraduate study such, as Graduate Certificate in Diabetes.

Credit Exemption

A student is exempt from specified units of a course if they are granted Advanced Standing.  This means they don’t have to attend classes, clinicals, or other components relating to that unit, including assessments.


Director of Education
Oversees the Advanced Standing process and approves all applications.

Course Coordinators
Receives, processes and assesses all Advanced Standing applications. The Course Coordinator is responsible for providing students with program specific information on the requirements and submits recommendation to Director of Education for final approval.

Student Services
Accepts all applications and processes associated fees.


Advanced Standing in a particular course means, in effect, that a student is exempt from some of the units otherwise required for the award.

Students will not be given Advanced Standing for units previously undertaken to meet undergraduate award requirements.

At least 50% of the course requirements to gain a postgraduate award must be achieved through study in an enrolled course at Mayfield Education.

All prospective and enrolling students must be informed of the opportunity to apply for Advanced Standing and the appeals process.

Students will need to provide certified documentation (academic transcripts and subject unit outlines) with their application. Applicants may be required to attend an interview in support of their application.

Processes should be timely, and, where possible, decisions made prior to the commencement of the course, or unit for which Advanced Standing is being sought.



All applications are to be lodged formally in writing and the appropriate fee paid.  All applications must be accompanied by verified documentary evidence.

The Course Coordinator will review the application.  Applicants must provide official certification (original certificate or certified copies of original plus Statement of Results and subject outlines) confirming the completion of study and a course outline.

If the units obtained previously are not able to be successfully mapped against the units applied for, or insufficient documentary evidence is available, the student will be advised by the Course Coordinator of the process and what extra evidence they may be required to provide.

The Course Coordinator will recommend an outcome to the Director Education.  Once the Director of Education has approved the recommendation a letter confirming the decision is sent to the student within 5 working days of the decision.

The Course Coordinator must ensure that the decision of the CT application is communicated to Student Services within 24 hours.

A copy of the documentation and its decision are to be kept in the student’s file.


Where a student disagrees with the decision of any Advanced Standing application the student should first try to resolve the matter informally with the Course Coordinator and if not satisfied then the Director of Education.  Where the outcome remains unresolved a student may appeal the decision by outlining in writing to the Chief Executive Officer why they believe the original decision was inappropriate and include any additional evidence to support why the case that has not been dealt with appropriately.

Appeals must be received no later than 5 working days from notification of the outcome of the initial application.  The Chief Executive Officer will assemble a panel to review the application (representation as appropriate to the circumstances).  Students may be accompanied and assisted by a support person (who is not a legal practitioner) at any relevant meetings during the formal review process. The student will be informed in writing of the outcome of the appeal within 15 working days of its lodgement. The notification will contain the reasons for the outcome and advise the student that they have the right of appeal to the Victorian Ombudsman if they are dissatisfied with the outcome.

The student’s enrolment will be maintained throughout any internal or any external appeals process to the Ombudsman (if known), provided the student fulfils all conditions for a valid enrolment, including payment of all fees, and compliance with all applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of Mayfield Education.

Advanced Standing will be subject to the same quality assurance processes used to ensure the standard and integrity of assessment processes within Mayfield Education and be validated and monitored in the same way other assessment processes are validated and monitored.

External References and Version

1-     Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth)

2-     Tertiary Education Quality and Standard Agency (TEQSA) Act2011 (Cth)

3-    Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021


Version 2 – 30/5/23 – updated relevant standards – next review 30/5/2025


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